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Administration of CCPZ

The centre is overseen by a Governing Board. Other administrative duties are coordinated by three committees, namely (i) Finance and General Purposes Committee, (ii) Research and Training Committee   (iii) Global Networking Committee. The membership and terms of reference of each of these groups are here provided.

The Project Governing Board

Chair: Prof. IF Adewole       – Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan

Prof. Ernest Aryeetey          – Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana

Prof. Abu Sesay                  – Vice-Chancellor, Njala University, Sierra Leone

Dr. Henrique F. Tokpa         – President, Cuttington University, Liberia

Prof. GOS Ekhaguere             – MacArthur Grant Liaison Officer

Mr. OI Olukoya                      – Registrar, University of Ibadan

Mr. IO Aponmade                  – Bursar, University of Ibadan

Dr. Eme Owoaje                    – Director, Research Management Office

Mrs. O.A Sanni-Adeniyi           - Representative of the Federal Ministry of Health

Vacant                                  - Representative of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture

Dr. B.O Olugasa                     - CCPZ Principal Investigator and Project Team Leader

Dr. SIB Cadmus                     - CCPZ Co-Principal Investigator