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Who We Are

Who We are

The Centre for Control and Prevention of Zoonoses (CCPZ) is an international hub for training, research and service in the surveillance of human-animal diseases in West Africa. CCPZ trains people to identify the causal agents, associated risk factors and promotes the containment of diseases at the human-animal-environment interface. CCPZ training curricula are at the levels of certificate of participation, Master of Science in Epizootiology and Doctor of the Philosophy. CCPZ’s mission is to train a critical mass of highly skilled personnel in surveillance, control and prevention of emerging, endemic and neglected human-animal diseases in West Africa. CCPZ is a collaboration between higher education institutions with the government and grassroots of the sub-region to improve postgraduate programmed for surveillance of human-animal diseases in West Africa.

Sub-Regional Short Course

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CCPZ conducts One-Health short course in Human-Animal Disease Surveillance in West Africa. Human-animal diseases pose significant challenge to global health, especially to communities in West Africa. It is critical that West Africa builds its manpower to effectively control and eliminate these diseases.

The centre jointly planned and delivered a short course on human-animal disease surveillance in Sierra Leone, 23-26 November, 2015 with faculty and staff of the CCPZ University of Ibadan, Nigeria and CCPZ Learning Centre, Njala University, Sierra Leone. The training was attended by twenty (20) participants selected from the Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Njala University Schools of Community and Environmental Health and Agriculture. The short course is scheduled as an annual event of CCPZ at Njala University.

Between 14 and 18 December, 2015 the centre delivered a short course on Human-Animal Disease Surveillance in Liberia, held at Bong County Administrative Building, Gbarnga. The training was jointly planned and delivered by faculty and staff of the centre and Cuttington University, Suakoko, Liberia. The training was attended by fifty (50) participants selected from the Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Cuttington University Colleges of Agriculture and Sustainable Development.

Between 14 and 18 December, 2015 the centre deliver a short course on Human-Animal Disease Surveillance in Ghana at the Veterinary Services Headquarters, Labadi, Accra. The training was jointly planned and delivered by CCPZ Ghana trainers at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana Veterinary Medical Association and the University of Ghana. The training was attended by fifty (50) participants from the Ministries of Health, Food and Agriculture.

The World Health Organization has proposed sustained and dedicated effort launched at controlling these diseases as the viable option to reducing the impact of the diseases. Read more on The Food and Agriculture Organization equally sees the need to support higher education centres in ensuring the fight against these diseases are effectively directed. Read more on The CCPZ is poised to foster the dedicated effort in West Africa.